My Mom’s half sister’s Husband’s Slimey Behavior

February 26, 2009

My Evil Aunt’s husband has attempted to taunt me into talking poorly about family member’s other than his VILE wife.

He attempted to get me to talk poorly about my cousins. I have no ill will towards them and that is what really makes him angry.

My Evil Aunt’s husband is the one who always talked about others, in a catty, bitchy sort of way. This is very telling of his pitiful being.

The truth needs no defense

February 24, 2009

The facts are the facts. My opinions are based on the facts. That is why they will stay here for all to see forever and ever. They will see how you lied, they will see how you manipulate, they will see you for who you are and what you have done.

All the gnashing of the teeth and hand wringing and false outrage is all you have left


February 14, 2009

Fla. Juvenile Justice Worker Sues Over Firing.

St. Rep Barreiro went on to work for the DJJ and has since been fired.

January 20, 2009
Gus Barreiro’s termination letter

The Department of Juvenile Justice isn’t saying much about why former state Rep. Gus Barreiro of Miami Beach was abruptly fired from his post Friday.

“It’s legally sensitive right now,” said agency secretary Frank Peterman, who served with Barreiro in the House. “An issue took place, and it was a violation of our main policy, a policy I’m trying to strengthen within the agency.”

DJJ does provide a copy of Barreiro’s letter of termination, which cites a provision in the administrative code dealing with “violation of law or agency rules,” including “standards of conduct” under Chapter 112, the ethics code. A DJJ spokesman says Barreiro’s dismissal related to misuse of computer equipment.

Barreiro, 49, was a Republican House member from 1998 to 2006. At DJJ, he held the title of operational support administrator and earned about $72,000 a year.

 I wonder if St. Rep. Barreiro would have stepped in if he knew about the DJJ employee’s Illegal Drug Use?

“We are a criminal justice agency that works every day to prevent and reduce juvenile crime,” said Secretary William Bankhead. “Our public employees must be drug-free and set the right example for young people.” CLEARLY the individual WAS NOT DRUG-FREE if he wasn’t willing to take a drug test.

The Rat-Bastard Trying to butch it up

February 8, 2009

My Evil Aunt’s Rat-Bastard husband, NEVER helped out at my Grandmother’s house when he and his VILE EVIL WIFEvisited on those rare occasions.

He would sit on the sofa with a beer in his hand watching basketball—trying to be more masculine, yet his wife was more butch than he ever could be.

I was going through some old family photos and I found this one which I think proves some of my earlier posts…I will let you figure out what I am implying.

Only After the Police Called

February 6, 2009

My Evil Aunt’s Husband is a coward.

He had no problem posting threatening comments directed at me online, until the police notified him that he needed to stop or he would be in major trouble.(He didn’t stop the silly little comments attempting to belittle me and my family)

I will have to revise my earlier post–(a crazy person would have ignored the police)

So he isn’t “crazy” he is just a cur.

A man who gets around a “technicality” in a poorly written Florida law rather than admit to his illegal drug use(We have already proven that The Rat-Bstard has taken illegal drugs most of his adult life.)

He wasn’t standing up for 4th admendment rights he was hiding behind it!

The true nature of a COWARD

What a Crazy person does

February 5, 2009

I am not sure if My Evil Aunt’s Rat Bastard Husband is clinically crazy, but his actions over the years have clearly helped me to form an opinion that he is mentally unbalanced(he admitted in a deposition to taking prescription mind altering drugs as well as illegal drugs) 

His irrational threatening behavior to me(see earlier posting) and to my parents–during a visit with my Grandmother when my parents were dropping her off the Rat-Bastard ran towards my Mother screaming and swinging his arms in a threatening manner that she had to call 911, but by then The Rat-Bastard and his EVIL WIFE had driven off.

His habitual traffic violations seem to me to indicate that he is careless to his own welfare and that of others.

His wife, my EVIL AUNT, is in complete denial of his behavior.

A history of My Evil Aunt’s Rat-Bastard Husband’s illegal drug use

February 4, 2009

My Evil Aunt, was asked during a deposition in 2006 when was the last time her husband had done illegal drugs. She said that it was the in the 70’s and stated “Well, it WAS the 70’s” as if to imply that everyone was doing illegal drugs during the 70’s.

That same day Her Rat-Bastard was asked during a deposition when was the last time that he had done illegal drugs. He claimed that it was 10 years ago.

This is VERY odd. There is a TWO decade discrepancy here folks!!! At least one of these two people is a LIAR. The question is why would either of them lie about his ILLEGAL drug use.

Maybe my Evil Aunt believes that her husband stopped doing illegal drugs in the 1070’s because he was HIDING HIS ILLEGAL DRUG USE from his wife. If this is the case than there is something deeply disturbing about the character of her Rat-Bastard Husband.

On the other hand, maybe My Evil Aunt is LYING when she is stating that her husband stopped doing drugs in the 1970’s. This is probably more likely the case.(We have shown several examples of my Evil Aunt lying and she is a proven LIAR) She appears to be attempting to lesson the fact that her husband, has taken illegal drugs the majority of his adult life.

The question should be why would she want to lessen this fact? Could it be that she wants to hide the fact that her husband’s illegal behavior continues? Or that maybe during a previous case or deposition one or both of them made statements that were contrary to the facts.

Something to ponder when The Rat-Bastard talks about drug policies.

A little background on the Rat–Bastard

January 27, 2009

He is married to my EVIL AUNT.

He has in the past done some terrible things such as leave a cigarette butt in the urn at my parents home containing the remains of a loved one.

He has admitted under oath to taking illegal drugs.

He has called my parents place of work and harrassed them there.

He has posted online my name, email, phone number, home address as well as a link to my social networking site asking people to contact me.

He has posted the names and address of my parents online.

He has made terroristic threats towards me online using a variety of different screennames(with the SAME email though)

So now you know a little bit about the Rat-Bastard.

If only Judge Hinkle knew the whole story about my Evil Aunt’s husband and his illegal drug use then he would not have thought this argument to be far-fetched

January 14, 2009

Department attorneys had argued that testing [my Evil Aunt’s husband] was necessary because if he were a drug user, he might have looked up juvenile records to find drug offenders and then threatened them or their families if they failed to provide him with drugs. Hinkle rejected this argument, noting that “to call this defense theory far-fetched would be charitable.”