A history of My Evil Aunt’s Rat-Bastard Husband’s illegal drug use

My Evil Aunt, was asked during a deposition in 2006 when was the last time her husband had done illegal drugs. She said that it was the in the 70’s and stated “Well, it WAS the 70’s” as if to imply that everyone was doing illegal drugs during the 70’s.

That same day Her Rat-Bastard was asked during a deposition when was the last time that he had done illegal drugs. He claimed that it was 10 years ago.

This is VERY odd. There is a TWO decade discrepancy here folks!!! At least one of these two people is a LIAR. The question is why would either of them lie about his ILLEGAL drug use.

Maybe my Evil Aunt believes that her husband stopped doing illegal drugs in the 1070’s because he was HIDING HIS ILLEGAL DRUG USE from his wife. If this is the case than there is something deeply disturbing about the character of her Rat-Bastard Husband.

On the other hand, maybe My Evil Aunt is LYING when she is stating that her husband stopped doing drugs in the 1970’s. This is probably more likely the case.(We have shown several examples of my Evil Aunt lying and she is a proven LIAR) She appears to be attempting to lesson the fact that her husband, has taken illegal drugs the majority of his adult life.

The question should be why would she want to lessen this fact? Could it be that she wants to hide the fact that her husband’s illegal behavior continues? Or that maybe during a previous case or deposition one or both of them made statements that were contrary to the facts.

Something to ponder when The Rat-Bastard talks about drug policies.


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